Remembering a shaky microphone, and where it brought me..

I was back speaking on a real stage this month for the first time in ages.

Wow, did that feel great.

It was my first time back on an international stage since ... well, I don’t have to tell you what’s been going on in the world these last 19 months.

I was in the beautiful city of Valencia, Spain, where I had been hired for a keynote opportunity, addressing a global travel conference on speaking and selling.

There was something so fresh and new about being back on a stage after so long, and a lot of the people in the audience were just starting out, that it made me think about the first time I got on a stage, back when I was just starting my business.

I remember how I couldn’t sleep the night before – oh, my nerves! – and how badly my hand was shaking that morning when they handed me the microphone.

But I did it. And it went well – I was hired on the spot by one of my first clients and invited to speak at a national event.

It feels like second nature to me now, but it’s always good to remember how big things start from small moments. Small rooms lead to big opportunities.

It’s been a busy month here again, and I’m addressing a number of virtual global gatherings as well.

As good as it felt to look across a room at an audience, I don’t see virtual events going away any time soon.

I also spoke at the online Business Resource Summit run by the Bad Girls in Business collective, a great group of women, and on Tuesday, October 26th, I was addressing an Accelerated Global Connections event.

AGC is a business networking collective that features a Ted Talk-type speaker at every event.

I’ve come a long way from a shaky hand holding a microphone in a rural Donegal centre, to the multiple six figure business and globetrotting lifestyle that was always my dream.

And I love helping my international clients use their voice to reach their dreams as well.

If you’re struggling right now or don’t know what you want to do next, here’s a bit of advice:

Just take action. All action works.

What doesn’t work is sitting and waiting for something to happen, or hoping that something happens or hoping you a phone call or someone asks you for something.

Take action because then you’re putting yourself out there and you’re more than likely going to create some result.

Whether it’s the exact result you want it doesn’t matter. It’s the result that counts.

Also, just taking action gives you confidence and a sense of power. You’re not waiting for something to happen – you’re making something happen. On every level, action works.

I’ve been doing a weekly Clubhouse online every Wednesday at 3pm – maybe you’ve seen it. Everyone is always welcome and we have some great conversations every week, and special guests.

Bring your questions, and I’ll give you ideas and strategies for how you can actually start growing your business, get more clients, and get yourself on more stages, real and virtual.

We’ll find those actions that will jumpstart your business and take you as far as you’ve always dreamed of going.

Last month I hosted my Speak More, Make More 5-Day Challenge and the response was so great that I’m going to be doing this every month from now on.

It’s five days of a deep-dive training and it may be just what you need to give yourself and your business a push by finding your power in your voice.

Are you afraid to speak in front of others?

I’ve got that covered – remember my shaky microphone?

And if you don’t know how speaking can work for your business, well, I’m here to tell you how it can, and how it brought me multiple six-figure revenue and a lifestyle of travel and freedom just three years from the first time I took a stage.

I will show you how speaking can help you travel the world, if you want to. I’ll reveal the simple steps I took to go from distress and debt to dream life, living and visiting exotic places like New York, London, Paris, Las Vegas and Bali, to name a few.

Believe me, I struggled when I started. I couldn’t find clients. I didn’t know whereto speak. I didn’t know what to do. That all changed when I discovered speaking.

In my five-day challenge, I’ll show you the same ideas and secrets I used for finding more stages, speaking on more stages and positioning yourself as an expert on those stages – even if you’ve never spoken before.

You can land the high-ticket clients you dream about with the strategies and skills that I’ve developed in these last years and and live your dream as you help other people live theirs.

If you’re worried about finding a stage or what to do when you get up there, I’ll talk you through that.

I’ll show you how you can turn what you love into opportunities to generate clients and revenue every time you speak, no matter what size of an audience you address.

Maybe signing up for my Speak More, Make More 5-Day Challenge is the action you need to take today!

You can follow me on Facebook and Instagram at Moira Ní Ghallachóir and email me at – I’ll look forward to hearing from you.


What level of commitment are you going to bring in 2022?


Are You Getting Ready To ‘Get Ready’ To Start Speaking?