Let’s find the reasons to get moving

Too often, when we tell ourselves we are waiting for the right moment to do something, I believe we are more invested in putting it off.

For some reason, it seems we can always come up with reasons not to do something, right?

I’d just ask you to think of something you thought you’d never be able to do, and how satisfying it was to do it.

But it’s those voices we can struggle with – Oh, I’m not ready yet, or I just need more work on this, or It’s not the right time. Maybe even, It’s probably not for me – who am I to think that I could do this?

I wondered why it wasn’t as easy to come up with reasons to actually do something. So I came up with a little life hack for those times when my inner critic is telling me why I shouldn’t. 

I think of the thing I have to do, whatever it is. And then, instead of looking at all the reasons why I shouldn’t do it, I write out all the best possible outcomes the event could have for me.

I write them out in great detail – in super specific detail. Once that list is completed, I read it over every morning and add to it.

That list shows me that there is as great a chance of success as there is of not. Why would I focus on the negative, when it is as likely for me to see a positive result.

I hosted a training this month, The Spectacular Speaker, to help people get over their fear of speaking and to use speaking to grow their business and their sales, and get their message out to people all over the globe.

Anyone who follows me here or on Facebook or Instagram, knows how I have used speaking to grow a multiple six-figure business and the globetrotting lifestyle I had always dreamed about. 

I believe you can use speaking to grow the business and lifestyle of your dreams, and there’s no faster way to do it.

Looking at me now, you would never know that I was very afraid of public speaking when I got my first opportunities in 2015. That shouldn’t be surprising – speaking is said to be most feared thing after death. So when you see a confident speaker on the stage, it’s a safe bet that person didn’t start out that way.

In my Spectacular Speaker training, I showed the amazing entrepreneurs who took part that if speaking doesn’t create the results or value you wanted, it doesn’t mean you can’t speak. It just means you still need to hone your skills.

We can always get better at what we do. And my experience has shown me that if we get better at speaking, we’re giving ourselves an incredible opportunity to have an impact on people’s lives, to travel the world, and to grow our businesses super-fast.

If you’re an entrepreneur, there is no question that you already have a story inside you. You have a message that may set the world on fire. Think about all the people who could benefit from your story. 

How do you share that with the world? I show my clients how to get booked, why some speakers fall short of their dream lifestyle while speaking, and what it takes to create a high-converting talk. 

My monthly Dial In Your Destiny Challenge gives entrepreneurs the skills they need to do just that. If you’re on a mission to get in front of more people and make the impact you know is possible, that is the challenge for you.

Next month I’ll also be hosting a retreat for my clients in Morocco and it’s nearly full – there’s just one space available for this opportunity to work with me and a wonderful group of international entrepreneurs coming from the United States, London, Germany and India – it’s very exciting.

We’ve hired an entire resort for this extraordinary experience and I’ll be teaching how to sell directly from stage. I am always stunned by the energy in the two international retreats I host each year. Bringing together smart and driven entrepreneurs from around the world always leads to a special synergy and outcomes I couldn’t have imagined.

Please get in touch if that sounds like something that interests you – we really are down to the last spot.

I have another initiative I wanted to mention – a production company from the US that I work with was just here with me in Donegal, and we produced 50 videos and a load of interesting content for 2023. The work was fun and challenging – their equipment got lost in transit, so we were days behind schedule. But we got it done.

And that’s what it’s about, right? You can’t always predict where the challenges will come from. But you can overcome them all the same.

Even my work in video – at the start, I didn’t like watching myself or listening to myself. I kept at it, and kept at it. For an early project, I must have done the same video 100 times before I got it right.

The bottom line is that in the end, I got it right. This month, our three days of filming went really well – almost all of the videos were done in one take.

I’m so glad I didn’t let the fear and doubt win, that I was able to shut down the voices of my inner critic.

You can, too.

Early this month I got a text from a client saying she made more than €103,000 in her business this year, which was a first for her. Isn’t that something to celebrate.

I look forward to helping you achieve the goals you’re dreaming of now. If you’d like to join us in Morocco, or if you want to take part in my monthly Dial In Your Destiny Challenge, let me know.

Let’s get started on growing the multiple six-figure business that brings your message to people around the world.


Make your vision board a reality


Before we achieve, we dream